Cigars are best stored at certain temperatures and humidity levels, but is it enough to buy a humidor and leave the cigars in it or is there more to the whole process?
Here is your complete guide to the best cigar humidity level, what temperature you should keep them, and how to properly store your fancy cigars.
The Best Cigar Humidity for Storage is ~70% (+/- 5%)

The best humidity for cigars to be stored at is a constant humidity of around 70%. They don’t have to be precisely 70% humidity at all times, but the closer they remain at this stable humidity the more likely they are to be healthy and retain their flavor.
Wihtout proper temperature and humidity controls, you are likely to get a cigar that is either dry or “wet.”
Dry Cigars
If cigars become dry, they will lose a lot of their flavor and moisture and the oils that provide flavors will evaporate.
While cigars can be rehydrated and will probably still taste fine, they will lose much of their intended flavor and not be as high-quality as when first purchased.
Since there is a process to rehydrate cigars, it’s more a flavor disappointment than anything else. A dry cigar will burn faster and hotter and not take as long to smoke.
Overly Humidified or Wet Cigars
Overly humid or wet cigars, on the other hand, can develop mold, cigar beetles and bacteria, becoming dangerous to the smoker. Cigars only a few degrees over the recommended humidity might swell and become difficult to light, and once lit, be almost impossible to smoke evenly.
To prevent cigars from drying out or getting too moist, you should keep them within 70% humidity, give or take a few degrees either way. 65-73% humidity is the ideal range, with a temperature of around 70℉. If it helps, use the 70/70 rule: 70% humidity at 70℉.
How Do I Calculate Humidity?
It’s easy to tell the temperature if you have a smartphone, thermostat, or regular thermometer. However, checking the relative humidity of a room is very difficult without the proper tools. For storing cigars, you will need to know how to tell how much humidity is in the air.
If you know the dew point of your local area, you can use it and the temperature and insert them into a relative humidity calculator. Weather apps will also tell you the local humidity outside, although it will vary from inside your house.
Calculating humidity is a complicated process involving the dew point, the pressure in the air, and the temperature. It is not easy to continually check humidity levels, even with the help of an app or online calculator. The best way to keep cigars at their optimal level is to store them in a humidor with the proper humidor humidity level.
The Best Tempature for Cigars Depends on Storage
Cigars should generally be stored at about 70℉.
If you are trying to age your cigars or are storing them long-term you might want to store them at a lower temperature. This decreases the likelihood of the cigars getting overly moist and expanding.
However, don’t store the cigars any lower than 60℉ because it will affect the humidity of the tobacco. To keep them at the proper humidity level and prevent them from drying out, you’ll need to keep them between 60℉ and 70℉.
How Should I Store Cigars?
Of course, it’s essential to have a container to store your cigars. You can’t just leave them out in the open and expect them to last forever. After all, they are made of biodegradable material and will decay if not stored well.
The standard storing process for cigars is to put them in a humidor.
A humidor is a box with temperature and humidity controls, allowing for the proper storage of cigars.
However, not all humidors are created equal. It’s essential to find one that works for you and your cigars.
Frequently Asked Questions
For any further questions about the humidity of cigars, check out these commonly asked questions and their answers. Hopefully, these answer any further questions and help you store and enjoy your cigars!
The best way to prevent cigar beetles is to keep your cigars in a tightly sealed humidor. Clean it every time you insert new cigars, and check your cigars for tiny holes in the paper. If you see any evidence of beetles, whether that’s dung, holes in the cigar, or the insects themselves, do not smoke that cigar.
To do this, you’ll have to clean out your humidor and wipe it down with fresh, distilled water. Put the dried cigars inside the slightly damp humidor and leave them until they feel soft and spongy again. It might take a few weeks to rehydrate a cigar all the way through, but it is worth the wait.
However, don’t store the cigars any lower than 60℉ because it will affect the humidity of the tobacco. To keep them at the proper humidity level and prevent them from drying out, you’ll need to keep them between 60℉ and 70℉.
Final Thoughts
Storing cigars seems complicated, but it’s much easier when you have a temperature and humidity controlling humidor to help you maintain the freshness of your fine cigars. You’ll be able to keep the cigars at the ideal temperature of around 70℉ and 70% humidity. With these precautions, your cigars will last you much longer at peak quality.